
在外觀上,布里和卡門貝爾非常相似。 圓形,柔軟,帶有白色黴菌,均由牛奶製成。 但是,這仍然是兩種完全不同的奶酪。 我們將告訴您它們有何不同。


Brie is one of the most ancient French cheeses and has been popular since the Middle Ages.布里奶酪是法國最古老的奶酪之一,自中世紀以來就很受歡迎。 And always, by the way, was considered the cheese of kings.順便說一句,一直以來,人們都認為國王是奶酪。 Queen Margot and Henry IV were big fans of brie.瑪格女王(Queen Margot)和亨利四世(Henry IV)是法國干酪的大粉絲。 The Duke Charles of Orleans (a member of the royal family of Valois and one of the most prominent poets in France) presented pieces of brie to his court ladies.奧爾良公爵查爾斯(瓦盧瓦王室成員,法國最著名的詩人之一)向宮廷女士獻上了賄賂。



布里(Brie)以法國布里(Brie)省的名字而得名,布里(Brie)位於法蘭西島(Ile-de-France)中部地區,靠近巴黎。 在那裡,這種奶酪於8世紀首次製造。 但是卡門培爾奶酪(Camembert)的生產開始於一千年後的17世紀末-19世紀初。


Camembert village in Normandy is considered the birthplace of Camembert.諾曼底的卡門培爾特村莊被認為是卡門培爾特的出生地。 Legend has it that the first Camembert was cooked by the peasant Marie Arel.傳說第一個卡門培爾奶酪是由農民瑪麗·阿瑞爾(Marie Arel)烹製的。 During the Great French Revolution, Marie allegedly saved from death a monk who was hiding from persecution, who in gratitude revealed to her the secret of making this cheese known only to him.在法國大革命期間,據稱瑪麗將一名躲避迫害的僧侶從死中救出,並感激向她透露了使這種奶酪只為他所知的秘密。 And this cheese had only an indirect relation to brie.而且這種奶酪與鹹味奶酪只有間接的關係。


Brie is most often formed into large round cakes with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters or small heads up to 12 centimeters.布里乾酪通常製成直徑最大為12厘米的大圓形蛋糕或直徑最大為XNUMX厘米的小圓頭。 Camembert is made only in small round cakes up to XNUMX centimeters in diameter.卡門培爾奶酪僅由直徑最大為XNUMX厘米的小圓形蛋糕製成。


Accordingly, brie can be sold both in small heads and in portioned triangles, but a real Camembert can only be a whole head, which is packed, as a rule, in a round wooden box.因此,法國布里乳酪既可以小頭也可以成三角形出售,但是真正的卡門培爾奶酪只能是整個頭,通常包裝在一個圓木箱中。 In this box, by the way, Camembert can be baked right away.順便說一下,在這個盒子裡,卡門培爾奶酪可以馬上烤出來。


Camembert is fatter than brie.卡門培爾奶酪比干酪更胖。 Accordingly, it melts and melts faster.因此,它融化並融化得更快。 This is due to the fact that during the production process, cream is added to brie and camembert, but in different proportions (camembert contains 60% milk fat, brie only 45%).這是由於以下事實:在生產過程中,奶油被添加到干酪和卡門培爾奶酪中,但是比例不同(卡門培爾奶酪含有XNUMX%的乳脂,乾酪僅佔XNUMX%)。

In addition, during production, lactic acid cultures are introduced into Camembert five times, and into brie only once.另外,在生產過程中,將乳酸培養物引入卡門培爾奶酪五次,並且僅將其引入到干酪中。 That is why Camembert has a more pronounced smell and taste, and brie is softer and more delicate in taste.這就是為什麼卡門培爾奶酪具有更明顯的氣味和味道,而乾酪的味道更柔和,更細膩。


Brie is characterized by a pale color with a grayish tinge.乾酪的特點是顏色淺,略帶灰色。 The aroma of brie is subtle, one might even say elegant, with a scent of hazelnuts.乾酪的香氣微妙,甚至可以說是淡雅的,帶有榛子的香氣。 Young brie has a mild and delicate flavor, and as it ripens, the pulp becomes spicy.年輕的干酪具有溫和而細膩的味道,成熟時果肉變得辛辣。 The thinner the brie, the sharper the cheese.乾酪越薄,奶酪就越尖銳。 Eating brie is best when it is at room temperature.在室溫下吃鹹味最好。 Therefore, you need to get it out of the refrigerator in advance.因此,您需要提前將其從冰箱中取出。

卡門培爾奶酪的核心是淡黃色奶油。 它的味道更油膩,成熟度很高,卡門培爾奶酪通常帶有液體“內臟”(雖然遠非每個人的口味,但這種奶酪被認為是最有價值的)。 這種奶酪的味道柔和,略帶辛辣,略帶甜味。

卡門培爾奶酪有一種更奇怪的氣味。 它可以從奶牛、蘑菇或乾草中散發出來——這一切都取決於奶酪的老化過程和儲存。 法國詩人兼散文家萊昂-保羅·法格曾將卡門培爾奶酪的氣味描述為“上帝腳下的氣味”,這並非空穴來風。
