


las,有時候減肥的嘗試無法達到預期的效果。 Even if you manage to get rid of extra pounds, they soon come back.即使您設法擺脫多餘的體重,它們也會很快回來。 In order not to face such an unpleasant event, we propose to adopt the basic principles of the most effective diets, which are approved by many experts and, according to reviews, help to lose weight and maintain new weight.為了避免遇到這種令人不快的事件,我們建議採用最有效飲食的基本原則,該原則已得到許多專家的認可,據評論,它有助於減肥並保持新的體重。


我們建議您注意的第一種有效飲食- 杜肯的飲食developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Ducan.由法國營養學家Pierre Ducan開發。 It is based, in particular, on the increase in the diet of foods rich in proteins.它尤其基於富含蛋白質的食物的飲食增加。 There are several stages in this technique.此技術有幾個階段。 The first stage is attack, the second is alternation (aka cruise), the third is consolidation, and the fourth is stabilization.第一階段是進攻,第二階段是輪流(又名巡航),第三階段是鞏固,第四階段是穩定。

第一階段的持續時間取決於您需要減掉多少公斤。 如果您想減肥10-20公斤,就可以坐3-5天。 當試圖擺脫20-30公斤時,攻擊期為5-7天。 而且,如果您需要減輕30公斤以上的重量,則需要進攻7-10天。 在這段時間裡,這是杜肯飲食上最嚴格的飲食,您需要吃任何瘦肉和內臟,魚,海鮮,脫脂牛奶和雞蛋。 您可以隨意組合食物,也可以根據自己的身體需要量食用食物。 尚未建立明確的規範。 用餐時間也一樣。 在身體需要時進食。 你不應該餓死,就像暴飲暴食一樣。 而且,所提供的食物非常令人滿意,即使其中的少量食物也應充分飽和。

l。 and wheat bran (2 tbsp. l.).和麥麩(2湯匙l。)。 It is at the first stage that the most active weight loss occurs.在第一階段,最活躍的體重減輕發生。

l。 1湯匙無脂可可。 l。 l。 l。 any dry wine for cooking.任何干酒做飯。 From this list, you need to choose no more than two products for daily use.從此列表中,您需要選擇不超過兩種日常使用的產品。

During the second stage, it is planned to alternate purely protein days with those that are combined with vegetables until you find the desired body.在第二階段中,計劃將純蛋白質天與與蔬菜混合的蛋白質天交替進行,直到找到所需的身體為止。 The diet is universal in that each losing weight can have his own individual schedule of alternating days.飲食是普遍的,因為每個減肥者可以有自己的交替日程安排。 There may be such schemes: 2/2, 3/3, 5/5.可能有這樣的方案:1 / 1、XNUMX / XNUMX、XNUMX / XNUMX。 But many nutritionists hail the XNUMX/XNUMX regimen as the most easily tolerated.但是,許多營養學家將XNUMX/XNUMX療法稱為最容易耐受的療法。

After you lose weight, you can proceed to the third stage, which is aimed at consolidating the result obtained.減肥後,您可以進入第三階段,以鞏固所獲得的結果。 The duration of this stage depends on the number of kilograms left.該階段的持續時間取決於剩餘的公斤數。 Each dropped kilogram is fixed for 10 days.每個掉落的公斤固定XNUMX天。 In addition to the products that were allowed in the first two stages (they can still be eaten), it is now allowed to eat daily:除了前兩個階段允許的產品(仍然可以食用)之外,現在還可以每天食用:

– 一種水果或一部分漿果(約 200 克),但禁止食用香蕉、葡萄和櫻桃;

– 2片麵包;


You can eat up to 2 servings of porridge or pasta (hard-grade recommended) weekly.每週最多可以吃2份粥或麵食(建議使用硬麵食)。 You can also afford to drink up to two glasses of dry wine per week.您每週還可以負擔兩杯乾酒。 Moreover, XNUMX times a week you can arrange a stomach feast and eat whatever you want.此外,您每周可以安排兩次胃大餐,並隨便吃。 But it is important that these two feasts do not go on for two consecutive days.但是重要的是,這兩個盛宴不能連續兩天進行。 It will be ideal if you can withstand a couple of days break between them.如果您可以承受幾天之間的休息,那將是理想的選擇。 In this case, the chances of what is eaten will not be deposited in problem areas of the body.在這種情況下,進食的機會不會沉積在身體的問題區域。 It is recommended to eat purely protein products one day a week.建議每週吃一天純蛋白質產品。

l。 bran and once a week practice a day of pure proteins (as in the first stage of the method).麩皮和每週練習一天的純蛋白質(如方法的第一階段)。 For the rest, eat at your discretion.其餘的,酌情就餐。 Of course, if you do not want to negate all your efforts to lose weight, try to introduce low-fat protein products into your diet and not eat frankly high-calorie and fatty foods in large quantities.當然,如果您不想放棄減輕體重的所有努力,請嘗試在飲食中加入低脂蛋白質產品,不要坦率地大量食用高熱量和高脂肪的食物。

下一個減肥技術不僅旨在減肥,而且還旨在重塑飲食和對食物的態度, 系統減60,由葉卡捷琳娜·米里瑪諾娃(Ekaterina Mirimanova)開發,她自己設法減輕了多達60公斤的多餘體重。


  • Mirimanova建議拒絕小吃。 If at first it is difficult to get used to eating three meals a day, allow yourself to feast on fruits, vegetables, low-fat sour milk in a small amount between the main meals, but try to gradually move away from this practice.如果一開始很難每天吃三頓飯,那就讓自己在主要兩頓飯之間吃少量的水果,蔬菜和低脂酸牛奶,但是要逐漸擺脫這種習慣。
  • 你不能不吃早餐。 建議在起床後的第一個小時內進食。 如果你一點胃口都沒有,那麼至少喝開菲爾,吃一片奶酪。 即使您之前早上沒有吃過東西,您也會習慣早飯,特別是因為只有在此期間您才能負擔得起任何食物(還有蛋糕、炸土豆和您最喜歡的比薩餅)。 想吃什麼就吃什麼,然後忘記它,直到第二天早上。 主要是不要暴飲暴食。 該技術的作者建議即使在早上也放棄的唯一東西是牛奶巧克力。 然而,如果您患有可可含量高的合法黑巧克力,可以減少對糖的渴望。
  • Mirimanova建議不要再與甜和澱粉類食物(硬粒小麥麵食除外)成為朋友,而主要吃穀物(蕎麥,大米)以及瘦肉和魚產品。 Such proteins and carbohydrates can be combined with each other.這樣的蛋白質和碳水化合物可以彼此結合。 But potatoes or pasta with fish and meat, it is better not to interfere and consume these products separately.但是土豆或意麵配以魚和肉,最好不要單獨食用這些產品。 Any method of food preparation except frying.除煎炸以外的任何食物製備方法。 It is strongly recommended to supplement lunch with any vegetables and fruits (apples, citrus fruits, plums, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, avocado).強烈建議您在午餐時添加任何蔬菜和水果(蘋果,柑橘類水果,李子,獼猴桃,西瓜,菠蘿,鱷梨)。 Do not get carried away with fruits and berries.不要被水果和漿果帶走。 If you want to eat this food abundantly, do it for breakfast.如果您想大量吃這種食物,可以做早餐。 Unmentioned fruits and berries are also worth consuming before 12 noon.未提及的水果和漿果也值得在中午5點之前食用。 Also for lunch you can eat dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than XNUMX%, hard cheese in small quantities, eggs, seafood and offal.午餐時,您也可以吃脂肪含量不超過XNUMX%的乳製品和發酵乳產品,少量硬奶酪,雞蛋,海鮮和內臟。 From cereals, in addition to buckwheat and rice, you can occasionally treat yourself to couscous.除了蕎麥和米飯外,您還可以從穀物中除蒸粗麥粉之外,還可以自己對待。
  • 根據這項技術的規則,晚餐應該在晚上 18 點左右進行,並且是盡可能清淡的一餐。 晚餐有7種選擇,您需要從中選擇一種,並根據飲食要求組合產品。 允許的產品類型與午餐相同,但對它們的組合要求更嚴格。 1 – 水果和牛奶; 2 – 水果和蔬菜; 3 – 水果和穀物; 4 – 牛奶和蔬菜; 5 – 蔬菜和穀物; 6 – 肉類或魚類產品(不建議將此類食物混合在一起,最好只吃水煮雞柳或烤魚片); 7 – 牛奶、奶酪和薯片(允許的麵包塊不超過 3-4 個)。
  • After dinner, you can only drink unsweetened tea / coffee and clean water.晚餐後,您只能喝不加糖的茶/咖啡和清水。 Sparkling mineral water is also allowed, but be careful as it can whet your appetite.也可以使用蘇打水,但是要小心,因為它會刺激您的食慾。 At evening events, you can afford a glass of dry wine and a few slices of low-fat cheese.在晚上的活動中,您可以買得起一杯乾酒和幾片低脂奶酪。 But try not to practice this often, otherwise the process of losing weight may slow down significantly.但是,請不要經常練習這種方法,否則減肥過程可能會大大減慢速度。
  • Watch your skin.注意你的皮膚。 Since the results of losing weight when switching to such a diet usually become noticeable quite quickly, you need to prevent the body from sagging.由於改用這種飲食減肥的效果通常很快就會變得明顯,因此您需要防止身體下垂。 Do cosmetic procedures and try to devote at least 20 minutes to sports every day.進行美容程序,並嘗試每天至少花費XNUMX分鐘進行運動。 The author of the system does not call for heavy physical strength training.該系統的作者並不要求進行大量的體力訓練。
  • Mirimanova建議減肥前特別注意心理情緒。 You need to love and accept your body, not strive for lightning-fast weight loss and in case of breakdowns (if suddenly such happen) not reproach yourself and not starve yourself, but just move on.您需要愛護並接受自己的身體,而不是為實現閃電般的減肥而奮鬥,並且在發生故障(如果突然發生這種情況)時,不要自責或餓死自己,而要繼續前進。
  • After achieving the desired result, it is worth switching to maintenance.在達到期望的結果後,值得進行維護。 To do this, you can eat whatever you want for breakfast and lunch (preferably before 15:XNUMX), and you need to have dinner according to the allowed lists.為此,您可以在早餐和午餐(最好在XNUMX:XNUMX之前)吃任何想要的東西,並且您需要根據允許的清單吃晚餐。 But the time of the last meal is allowed to be moved one hour later.但是最後一餐的時間可以在一個小時後移動。

此外,根據對大量自行減肥的人的評論,最有效的減肥方法之一是 燃燒脂肪的飲食…與上述方法相比,她的時限較短。 飲食持續一星期,非常適合需要減掉相對少量磅的人。 在7天內,您可以減輕4-5公斤的多餘體重。

The fat-burning effect of the technique is due to the fact that each meal includes protein products, the digestion of which the body spends more energy reserves than other foods.該技術的脂肪燃燒效果是由於每餐都包含蛋白質產品,與其他食物相比,人體在消化這些食品時會消耗更多的能量。 Each protein meal should be accompanied by a serving of vegetables or fruits.每頓蛋白質餐都應伴有蔬菜或水果。 Their presence on the menu makes the technique more loyal and provides the body with fiber and various vitamins.它們在菜單上的出現使該技術更加忠誠,並為人體提供了纖維和多種維生素。 But it should be noted that fruits often help whet the appetite.但應注意的是,水果通常有助於增進食慾。 If you notice this effect on yourself, then in the afternoon it is better to eat vegetables.如果您對自己有這種影響,那麼下午最好吃蔬菜。

A daily fat burning menu should be planned according to the following principles.每日脂肪燃燒菜單應根據以下原則進行計劃。 You need to have breakfast with a portion of protein products, vegetables or fruits suggested in the lists below.您需要與以下列表中建議的蛋白質產品,蔬菜或水果一起吃早餐。 Lunch involves the inclusion of a portion of proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables or fruits.午餐包括一部分蛋白質,碳水化合物,蔬菜或水果。 An afternoon snack duplicates the recommendations suggested for lunch, and dinner duplicates the recommendations for breakfast.下午的小吃重複了午餐的建議,晚餐重複了早餐的建議。

The first meal should be taken within the next hour (maximum two) after waking up.應當在起床後的下一小時(最多兩小時)內服用第一餐。 It is important to include metabolic processes.包括代謝過程很重要。 But supper is worth 2-3 hours before lights out.但是晚飯需要XNUMX-XNUMX個小時才能熄滅。 Do not deviate from your diet and eat at the same time every day.不要偏離飲食習慣,每天同一時間進食。



– 180克瘦魚;

– 2個雞蛋;

– 200克海鮮;

– 200克禽肉(無皮);

– 100先生低脂乾酪;

– 120 克小牛肉片;

– 60克的硬質奶酪,脂肪含量最低,而且不太鹹;

– 30克堅果(任何花生除外);

– 100克大豆;

– 250毫升脫脂牛奶。


– 400克生蔬菜沙拉(豆類和土豆除外);

– 300克蒸熟的蔬菜(土豆除外);

– 200 克沙拉形式的各種水果和漿果(優先選擇蘋果、橘子、杏、覆盆子、草莓、櫻桃、櫻桃);

– 60克乾果;

– 2 大塊甜瓜;

– 1-2個(上述)水果的整體。


– 200克(現成的)蕎麥,米飯,硬麵食;

– 4湯匙。 l。 土豆泥或煮的豆子;

– 1-2片黑麥麵包或全麥麵包。

l。 l。 butter.牛油。 Two times a week, you can eat 1 g of fatty fish.每週兩次,您可以吃0,5克脂肪魚。



飲食 皮埃爾·杜坎的飲食


Breakfast: fried eggs with meat, cooked without adding oil;早餐:雞蛋炒肉,煮熟不加油; a cup of coffee (with sweetener).一杯咖啡(含甜味劑)。



Dinner: fish fillet stew;晚餐:燉魚片; tea.茶。


Breakfast: scrambled eggs with bran bread;早餐:炒雞蛋和麩皮麵包; tea.茶。





Breakfast: curd and berry casserole;早餐:凝乳和漿果砂鍋; tea.茶。



Dinner: chicken meatballs;晚餐:雞肉丸; fresh tomato;新鮮番茄kefir (250 ml).開菲爾(XNUMX毫升)。

的樣本菜單 系統減60 對於3天


Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal, which can be prepared in milk, with the addition of fruits or dried fruits;早餐:燕麥片的一部分,可以在牛奶中加一些水果或乾果製成; a slice of dark chocolate;一片黑巧克力; tea / coffee with milk.茶/咖啡加牛奶。

Lunch: pilaf with lean meat and cucumber-tomato salad;午餐:抓飯配瘦肉和黃瓜番茄沙拉; an Apple;蘋果; tea.茶。

Dinner: cottage cheese with apple and plum pieces;晚餐:乾酪加蘋果和李子塊; a glass of kefir.一杯開菲爾。


Breakfast: 2 sandwiches with chicken breast, cheese and herbs;早餐:XNUMX個三明治,包括雞胸肉,奶酪和香草; a cup of cocoa;一杯可可a handful of your favorite berries.幾個您最喜歡的漿果。

Lunch: soup with vegetable broth with pieces of lean meat and rice;午餐:蔬菜湯加瘦肉和米飯湯; cucumber salad with white cabbage, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil;黃瓜沙拉配白菜,用少量植物油調味; a few slices of hard cheese;幾片硬奶酪; tea or coffee.茶還是咖啡。

Dinner: baked chicken fillet, which can be seasoned with herbs;晚餐:烤雞柳,可以用草藥調味; tea.茶。


Breakfast: an omelet of two chicken eggs, milk, meat or ham and mushrooms with herbs;早餐:煎蛋捲,裡面有兩個雞蛋,牛奶,肉或火腿以及帶香草的蘑菇; a few whole grain breads with cheese;一些全麥麵包和奶酪; coffee with milk.咖啡加牛奶。

Lunch: hard pasta with a little cheese;午餐:硬通心粉和一點奶酪; fresh tomato;新鮮番茄a couple of plums;幾個李子; coffee (it is possible with low-fat milk).咖啡(低脂牛奶有可能)。


大概的飲食 燃燒脂肪的飲食

Breakfast: 2 chicken eggs, boiled or cooked in a pan without adding oil;早餐:XNUMX個雞蛋,在鍋中煮沸或煮熟而不加油; tomato and cucumber salad.西紅柿黃瓜沙拉。

Lunch: a piece of boiled or baked veal;午餐:一塊煮熟或烤製的小牛肉; a portion of rice and steamed vegetables.一部分米飯和蒸的蔬菜。

Afternoon snack: baked fish fillet;下午點心:烤魚片; a portion of buckwheat and an apple.一部分的蕎麥和一個蘋果。



  • 關於蛋白質飲食(皮埃爾·杜坎燃燒脂肪)在懷孕和哺乳期間,您不應該坐擁腎臟疾病,任何慢性疾病加重的坐姿。
  • 無論如何,非常需要專家意見。


優點 皮埃爾·杜坎的飲食:

  1. 頭幾公斤迅速消失,這進一步減輕了體重;
  2. 通常,即使您以前經常嘗試減肥失敗,而且身體似乎已經增強免疫力,飲食也能奏效。
  3. 食物量或進食時間沒有任何限制;
  4. 您可以幻想各種食譜,烹飪得很多又美味;
  5. 該方法包括天然產物。

優點 系統減60:

  1. 沒有年齡限制,婦女可以在懷孕期間和餵養嬰兒時堅持使用該系統(可能會根據主治醫師的建議進行一些調整);
  2. 您可以在一天的不同時間吃任何東西,因此,下午在禁止的美味佳餚下猛撲的可能性非常小;
  3. 該技術不會引起冷漠,虛弱,疲勞,神經緊張等;
  4. 通過合理的菜單規劃,為人體提供正常功能所需的所有物質和成分;
  5. 飲食可以無限長的時間進行;
  6. 該系統與醫學規範和適當營養原則沒有矛盾,得到了許多醫生和營養學家的支持;
  7. 無需為卡路里計算和稱重食物的負擔加重負擔。

優點 燃燒脂肪的飲食:

  1. 代謝得到改善,因此保持獲得結果的機會增加;
  2. 胰島素和血糖正常化;
  3. 多種飲食;
  4. 您可以根據自己的喜好自行編寫菜單。


弊端 皮埃爾·杜坎的飲食:

  • 飲食會很快變得單調乏味,尤其是當您不喜歡做飯時。
  • 該技術會導致體內維生素缺乏,因此建議服用維生素和礦物質的複合物;
  • 由於飲食會促進酮體的產生,因此在飲食的頭幾天可能會感到疲勞;
  • diet can cause fat deficiency, so some nutritionists recommend increasing the amount of plant-based fatty foods in the diet and consuming at least 1 tsp.飲食會導致脂肪缺乏,因此一些營養學家建議增加飲食中植物性脂肪食物的量,並至少食用XNUMX茶匙。 oils daily.每天食用油。

弊端 系統減60:

  • 習慣於晚吃飯的人可能會發現在18:00 pm後很難學會不吃飯;
  • those who have not eaten before may not feel like eating in the morning at first.那些以前沒有吃過的人可能一開始不喜歡早上吃東西。 Train yourself.訓練自己。 Eat at least something light a couple of times, and the body itself will soon begin to ask for the desired food in the early hours of the day.至少要幾次吃些清淡的東西,身體本身很快就會在一天的清晨開始要求食物。

弊端 燃燒脂肪的飲食:

  • 隨食物進入體內的蛋白質過多會引起肝臟,腎臟或胃腸道功能障礙;
  • 嚴格禁止甜食愛好者堅持這樣的飲食習慣。


  • К 燃燒脂肪的飲食 建議您每個月尋求幫助不超過一次。
  • Mirimanova系統 您可以隨心所欲地堅持下去。
  • 重新進行 杜肯醫生的飲食 每兩年申請一次以上。

Whatever method you use to lose weight, try to eat right in the future.無論您使用哪種減肥方法,都應在以後正確飲食。 Then, for sure, a new appeal to her simply will not be needed.然後,可以肯定的是,根本不需要對她重新提出上訴。
