

Brie is a soft cheese with a delicate creamy taste and nutty and mushroom notes.布里奶酪是一種軟奶酪,具有細膩的奶油味,堅果和蘑菇味。 Brie is a type of cheese that shares the same name as the old French province.布里乾酪是一種奶酪,與舊的法國省名相同。 Its light or grayish flesh is covered with a white crust that can also be eaten.它的肉色淺或呈灰色,上面覆蓋著一層白皮,也可以食用。 The better the brie ripens, the less soft its crust becomes, and the specific aroma and piquant taste intensify.乾酪成熟度越高,其外殼變得越軟,特定的香氣和辛辣味就會增強。 This delicious cheese can be eaten alone or used as an ingredient.這種美味的奶酪既可以單獨食用,也可以作為原料使用。





在全脂牛奶或脫脂牛奶中,加入凝乳酶,並加熱至37°C。凝乳用特殊的奶油勺(pelleàbrie)撒入大理石模具中。 放置18小時,然後將其從模具中移出,加鹽,然後將模具青黴菌加入其中。 多虧了他,奶酪的外殼才輕,結構卻變得柔軟。 奶酪放在酒窖中進行熟化,然後在這裡“熟化” 1-2個月。







味道–細膩的奶油,帶有堅果和蘑菇味; 稠度–濕潤,彈性,融化。


  • 能量值(100克):291大卡。
  • 營養價值(100 克):蛋白質 - 21 克,脂肪 - 23 克,鈣、磷、鉀。
  • 維生素和礦物質:維生素A,PP和B組。
  • 脂肪含量:40%至50%。
  • 儲存:在+2 – 5°C的溫度下,在單獨密封的包裝中最多保存3天。



關於布里奶酪的最早記載文獻之一是法蘭克皇帝查理曼大帝的編年史:774年,他留在布里,品嚐了已經著名的當地奶酪,並給他留下了最討人喜歡的評價:“我只是品嚐了最美味的一道菜。 ”

Moe一直是該省最大的奶酪市場之一的所在地,這可能有助於使Brie廣為人知。 Brie has always been marked by royal love and even according to legend, was the cause of the death of one of the kings of France.布里一直以皇家之愛為標誌,甚至根據傳說,都是法國國王之一死亡的原因。



Louis XVI, who, like many kings, was a great gourmet and connoisseur of cheeses, tried to save his life by flight in 1789, at the beginning of the Great French Revolution.像許多國王一樣,路易十六是一位偉大的美食家和奶酪鑑賞家,他於XNUMX年法國大革命初期試圖通過飛行挽救生命。 Driving past the village where the most delicious Brie in France was made, Louis could not resist and asked to stop the carriage to try his favorite cheese for the last time.路易斯駛過製造法國最美味法國鹹味奶酪的村莊後,無法抗拒,要求最後一次停止馬車嘗試他最喜歡的奶酪。

This delay cost the king his life: he was caught, taken back to Paris and executed.這次延誤使國王喪命:他被捕,被帶回巴黎並被處決。 In conclusion, this legend is far from the generally accepted historical version of events.總而言之,這個傳說與事件的一般歷史版本相去甚遠。

Louis was recognized and arrested in Varennes, in Lorraine, which is 210 km from Meaux, at that time the distance was considerable.路易斯在距離莫城XNUMX公里的洛林瓦雷訥(Varennes)被承認並被捕,當時距離很遠。 But people persistently retell this parable about the gourmet king who lost his crown and head over a slice of Brie cheese.但是人們一直在重述這個關於美食王的寓言,這位美食王失去了王冠,轉頭吃了一片布里奶酪。

Among the crowned and noble admirers of this wonderful cheese are King Philip Augustus, Countess Blanche of Navarre, King Charles of Orleans, Queen Margot, Henry IV the Great of Navarre.菲利普·奧古斯都國王,納瓦拉伯爵夫人伯爵,奧爾良國王查爾斯,瑪格特王后,納瓦拉大帝亨利四世都對這種奇妙的奶酪贊不絕口。 The Great French Revolution made Brie accessible to the common people, making it a kind of symbol of equality between the rich and the poor French.法國大革命使普通民眾可以享用布里乾酪,使其成為貧富法國人平等的一種象徵。



在宴會或聚會上,這種類型的奶酪通常是切片的,還有一層外殼。 如果您不喜歡吃,或者甚至不想嘗試(徒勞無功!),只需用刀將其與奶酪片分開即可。 這道美食可以單獨食用,但更好地補充其精緻口味的下一個產品:

  • 白色餅乾
  • 法式麵包
  • 梨,蘋果或其他水果,
  • 蜜餞核桃或杏仁,
  • 蜂蜜,櫻桃或無花果果醬。

Food instance brie also goes well with many drinks that emphasize its juiciness and softness favorably.食品實例鹹味奶酪也可以與許多強調其多汁性和柔軟性的飲料搭配使用。 The list oof drinks:燕麥飲料清單:

  • 烈性黑啤酒和一些黑啤酒。
  • Vignone,Marsanne,Riesling和其他乾酒。
  • 淡紅酒,如黑比諾。
  • 鮮榨果汁,蘋果酒。



The crust should be firm and the inside elastic.外殼應牢固,內部應有彈性。 Unripe cheese is too hard, while overripe cheese is thin and soft.未成熟的奶酪太硬,而未成熟的奶酪又薄又軟。 Until the cheese wheel is cut, the cheese continues to ripen.在切奶酪輪之前,奶酪會繼續成熟。 As soon as even a small piece is cut off from it, ripening stops.一旦一小塊被切斷,成熟就停止。

Cut brie has a shelf life of two days in the refrigerator.切成的鹹味乾酪在冰箱中的保質期為兩天。 Then it can be thrown away.然後可以將其丟棄。 If stored improperly, cheese will develop brown spots, bruises and an unhealthy ammonia smell.如果存放不當,奶酪會出現褐色斑點,瘀傷和不健康的氨味。


For the cheese to fully develop, it must warm to room temperature.為了使奶酪充分發育,必須將其加熱到室溫。 This can be done naturally, as well as in the oven or microwave (just a few seconds!).這可以自然完成,也可以在烤箱或微波爐中完成(只需幾秒鐘!)。

一小塊奶酪放在盤子裡,周圍是白餅乾和法式麵包、葡萄(切片的蘋果、梨和其他水果)和堅果。 一定要為每位客人放一把刀,如有必要,演示如何用它來切小塊布里乾酪或切掉外殼。


  1. 烤布里。
  2. There are a lot of recipes.有很多食譜。 One of the best is the incredibly delicious brie dessert baked with cranberries.最好的之一是用蔓越莓烤出的美味布里乳酪甜點。
  3. Brie with a crust.與地殼鹹味。 A small circle of cheese is wrapped in puff pastry, covered with an egg on top and baked in the oven.將一小圈奶酪包裹在酥裡,上面蓋上一個雞蛋,然後放入烤箱烘烤。 There are thousands of possibilities to diversify this simple dish: add nuts, raspberry jam, etc.有數千種可能性可以使這種簡單的菜餚多樣化:添加堅果,覆盆子果醬等。
  4. Stuffed Salmon with Brie.釀三文魚配布里乾酪。 This cheese is equally good not only in sweet but also in spicy dishes.這種奶酪不僅在甜食中而且在辛辣菜餚中也同樣好。 Bake the salmon, stuffed with brie mixed with crispy pine nuts, onions and peppers.烤三文魚,塞滿鹹味脆皮鬆子,洋蔥和辣椒。
  5. Cheese sauce or pesto.奶酪醬或香蒜醬。 A great addition to many dishes.許多菜餚的絕佳補充。
  6. 布里奶酪三明治。 烹飪它們很有趣,而且保證了很好的效果——畢竟,布里乾酪幾乎可以與任何產品結合使用。 蘑菇、蔓越莓、羅勒、馬力拉醬、芥末、火腿、鱷梨、培根或其他任何東西。
  7. A recipe invented by you personally.您親自發明的食譜。 This fantastic product opens up unlimited space for imagination.這個出色的產品為想像提供了無限的空間。


  1. The French do not heat this type of cheese before they eat it.法國人在食用這種奶酪之前不加熱。 He is good in any form.他的任何形式都很好。
  2. 用麵包比不用麵包更好地揭示味道。
  3. 最好從邊緣切到中心,以免擠壓出柔軟的內部。
  4. 年輕奶酪的質地較軟,而成熟奶酪則略微變脆,但味道和香氣更強。
  5. 食用之前,可以在烤箱中將布里乾酪預熱(以箔紙形式),這樣可以將其塗抹在烤麵包和薄脆餅乾上。
  6. Eat soft cheese with a crust.吃帶有外殼的軟奶酪。 Despite the slight bitterness, the crust tastes delicious.儘管有輕微的苦味,外皮還是很好吃。



The benefits of Brie cheese lie in its chemical composition.乾酪奶酪的好處在於其化學成分。 Firstly, it contains vitamin A, which is important not only for vision, but also for the production of collagen, which maintains the beauty of the skin.首先,它含有維生素A,不僅對視力很重要,而且對維持皮膚美麗的膠原蛋白的生產也很重要。 Thanks to B vitamins, the functioning of the nervous system improves, which in turn helps with insomnia and fatigue.得益於B族維生素,神經系統的功能得以改善,進而有助於失眠和疲勞。 Among the minerals, calcium stands out, which strengthens bone tissue.在礦物質中,鈣突出,可以增強骨骼組織。

It contains magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals.它包含鎂,磷和其他礦物質。 The composition of such cheese practically does not include lactose, which means that people who are allergic to it can use it.這種奶酪的成分實際上不包含乳糖,這意味著對它過敏的人可以使用它。

Moreover, brie cheese contains essential amino acids for the body, as well as bacteria that have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system.此外,乾酪奶酪含有人體必需的氨基酸,以及對消化系統活性有積極作用的細菌。 This product has been proven to reduce the risk of tooth decay.該產品已被證明可以減少蛀牙的風險。 The mold in this cheese has the ability to protect the skin from sunburn.這種奶酪中的黴菌具有保護皮膚免受曬傷的能力。



Can brie be harmful?賄賂會有害嗎? In some cases, this is possible, but only on condition of excessive consumption.在某些情況下,這是可能的,但前提是要消耗過多。 This can negatively affect the intestinal microflora or cause allergies.這可能會對腸道菌群產生負面影響或引起過敏。

The product is completely contraindicated for people suffering from dysbiosis.該產品完全禁止患有病的人服用。 The intake of antibiotic substances contained in the mold will only aggravate the ailment, inhibiting the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms.黴菌中所含抗生素物質的攝入只會加劇疾病,抑制有益微生物的生命活動。

Cheese should be included with caution in their menu for those who have heart and vascular diseases (it is recommended to first consult with your doctor).對於患有心臟和血管疾病的人,應在其菜單中謹慎添加奶酪(建議首先諮詢您的醫生)。 This is due to the content of cholesterol, which has a detrimental effect on the state of the blood supply system.這是由於膽固醇的含量,它對血液供應系統的狀態有不利影響。
