Avocado oil – description of the oil.鱷梨油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康益處和危害


Avocado oil is a thick, greenish-yellow liquid with a rather pleasant mild taste, which resembles nut butter, and an original piquant smell.鱷梨油是一種粘稠的綠黃色液體,具有令人愉悅的溫和味道,類似於堅果黃油和原始的辛辣氣味。 It is cold pressed from the pulp of an avocado, the fruit of a tall Laurel tree.它是從鱷梨果肉(一種月桂樹高大的果實)上冷榨而成的。

It is this technology that makes it possible to fully preserve all the properties of the oil, its minerals, vitamins, acids and other biologically active substances.正是這項技術使得可以完全保留石油,其礦物質,維生素,酸和其他生物活性物質的所有特性。 Avocados were cultivated by the tribes of Central America about seven thousand years ago, and today this fruit is included in the diet of the poor Mexicans.鱷梨大約七千年前由中美洲的部落種植,如今這種水果已被包括在可憐的墨西哥人的飲食中。



Avocado oil – description of the oil.鱷梨油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康益處和危害



When cold pressed, no chemicals are used, so the oil remains extremely pure and natural.冷壓時不使用化學藥品,因此油保持極純天然。 But cold-pressed oil is not suitable for everyone because of its rather thick consistency and intense smell.但是冷壓油由於稠度高且氣味強烈,因此並不適合所有人。 In addition, this product is quite expensive due to this processing method, although its benefits are well worth the money.另外,由於這種加工方法,該產品非常昂貴,儘管其收益非常值得。

精煉油,由於使用某些化學物質進行熱處理,通常會失去其天然氣味和顏色,獲得溫和的香氣和金黃色調。 它通常用於化妝品行業的護膚品。 與未精製的冷榨油相比,精煉油的成本要低得多。

Avocado oil – description of the oil.鱷梨油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康益處和危害


Before use, avocado oil should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6-9 months or in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees.在使用之前,鱷梨油應在冰箱中存放不超過5-XNUMX個月,或在溫度不超過XNUMX度的陰暗處保存。 After each use, the avocado oil should be tightly covered and stored only in the refrigerator.每次使用後,鱷梨油應緊緊蓋住,並只能存放在冰箱中。 It is worth remembering that when stored in the refrigerator, when the temperature is less than XNUMX degrees, a flocculent light sediment may form in the oil, which will disappear when the product is placed in a place with room temperature.值得記住的是,當存放在冰箱中時,溫度低於XNUMX度時,油中可能會形成絮狀的輕質沉澱物,當將產品放置在室溫下時,該沉澱物會消失。


Now the light aroma and exquisite taste of avocado oil is used in cooking all over the world.現在,鱷梨油的淡淡香氣和精緻的味道被用於世界各地的烹飪中。 So, it is added both to traditional dishes of Latin American, Mediterranean, and also Spanish cuisines, as well as for frying seafood, chicken meat, vegetables and fish.因此,它不僅可以添加到拉丁美洲,地中海和西班牙美食的傳統菜餚中,還可以油炸海鮮,雞肉,蔬菜和魚。 When heated, avocado oil does not have a burnt odor and does not lose its excellent taste.加熱後,鱷梨油不會有燃燒的氣味,也不會失去其出色的味道。 It is in perfect harmony with a variety of salads, soups and serves as an excellent addition to special baby food mixes.它與各種沙拉,湯類完美搭配,是特殊嬰兒食品混合物的絕佳添加。


Avocado oil – description of the oil.鱷梨油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康益處和危害

Avocado oil, which has a high nutritional value and delicious taste, contains a lot of easily digestible fats, a variety of essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements and other biologically active substances, which is why it is ranked as a healthy dietary product.鱷梨油具有很高的營養價值和美味,含有大量易於消化的脂肪,多種必需的維生素,微量元素和大量元素以及其他生物活性物質,這就是為什麼它被列為健康飲食產品的原因。 In terms of calorie content, which is 885.7 kcal, the oil is not inferior to chicken eggs and meat, and also surpasses most of the edible vegetable oils.就卡路里含量(XNUMX大卡)而言,它不遜於雞蛋和雞蛋,並且也超過了大多數食用植物油。

In terms of protein content, the avocado fruit is 2-3 times higher than apples, grapes, pears, citrus fruits, bananas, and in terms of the content of healthy fats it is simply the leader among the known fruits, second only to coconut.就蛋白質含量而言,鱷梨果實比蘋果,葡萄,梨,柑橘類水果,香蕉高30-3倍,就健康脂肪的含量而言,它僅是已知水果中的佼佼者,僅次於椰子。 It should be noted that XNUMX percent of the fats contained in the oil of this fruit are unsaturated fatty acids that are easily absorbed by the body, that is, vitamin F (in terms of its content, this product is XNUMX times higher than fish oil).應當指出,這種水果的油中所含的脂肪中有XNUMX%是不飽和脂肪酸,很容易被人體吸收,即維生素F(就其含量而言,該產品的含量是魚油的XNUMX倍。 )。


  • 蛋白質,0克
  • 脂肪100克
  • 碳水化合物,0克
  • 灰,0克
  • 水0克
  • 卡路里含量,kcal 885.7


Avocado oil has powerful antibacterial, nourishing, moisturizing and regenerating properties.鱷梨油具有強大的抗菌,滋養,保濕和再生特性。 In terms of the number of essential fatty acids, this product is ahead of olive oil.就必需脂肪酸的數量而言,該產品領先於橄欖油。

This product contains a high concentration of vitamins and trace elements such as sodium, calcium, potassium and zinc.該產品含有高濃度的維生素和微量元素,例如鈉,鈣,鉀和鋅。 Vitamins A and E are especially beneficial for skin and hair health.維生素A和E對皮膚和頭髮的健康特別有益。





Avocado oil – description of the oil.鱷梨油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康益處和危害

This oil is considered to be low-allergenic, but before using it for the first time, it is better to do a test: apply a drop of oil to your wrist and assess the condition of the skin after half an hour.這種油被認為是低致敏性的,但是在第一次使用它之前,最好先做個測試:在手腕上滴一滴油,並在半小時後評估皮膚狀況。 If redness does not appear, then there is no allergy.如果沒有發紅,則沒有過敏。



The fatty acids in avocado oil are similar to the natural fat of the skin.鱷梨油中的脂肪酸類似於皮膚的天然脂肪。 Therefore, it is easy to apply and absorbs quickly without leaving a shine.因此,它易於塗敷並迅速吸收而不會留下光澤。 The oil can be applied with light strokes along the massage lines, removing the excess with a paper towel.可以沿按摩線輕輕塗抹油,用紙巾去除多餘的油。 Suitable for all skin types.適合所有皮膚類型。


鱷梨油普遍用於滋養全身皮膚。 他用脂肪酸飽和並補充水分不足,有助於減少皺紋和乾燥。 該產品適用於眼部周圍嬌嫩肌膚的護理,也適用於豐富其他化妝品。

Like any oil, they need to be used with caution for inflammation of the skin.像任何油一樣,它們在使用時會引起皮膚炎症。 The oil is basic, so it can be used neat.油是基礎油,因此可以純淨使用。


Avocado oil – description of the oil.鱷梨油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康益處和危害


The regenerating ability is especially pronounced on colored and damaged hair, as well as with a tendency to breakage and split ends.再生能力在有色和受損的頭髮上尤其顯著,並且具有斷裂和分叉的趨勢。 When applied, the hair acquires a natural shine.塗抹後,頭髮自然光澤。

By strengthening and accelerating nail growth, it also softens the cuticle.通過加強和加速指甲生長,它還可以軟化角質層。 The active anti-inflammatory effect of avocado oil is manifested in case of any irritation and damage to the periungual fold.鱷梨油對任何刺激和對唇週褶的損害均表現出積極的抗炎作用。


