Apricot kernel oil – description of the oil.杏仁油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好處和危害


The first mention of the popular Apricot kernel oil today dates back to 3000 BC.今天第一次提到流行的杏仁油可以追溯到公元前1年。 and found them in Chinese records.並在中國記錄中找到它們。 Gradually spreading around the world, the fame of this oil from Greece and Italy reached Europe.這種石油從希臘和意大利的名聲逐漸傳遍世界,並傳到歐洲。 There is evidence that already in the XNUMXst century AD, Europeans knew about the beneficial properties of oil made from apricot seeds.有證據表明,在公元XNUMX世紀,歐洲人已經知道了用杏籽製成的油的有益特性。

This oil is obtained by the so-called cold pressing of the kernel.這種油是通過對內核進行所謂的冷壓而獲得的。 By the way, in some cases, in the process of industrial production of apricot oil, it is permissible to mix it with oils from cherry plum or plum seeds.順便說一下,在某些情況下,在工業生產杏油的過程中,可以將其與櫻桃李或李子種子的油混合。 Apricot oil belongs to the category of so-called base oils.杏油屬於所謂的基礎油。

This product is characterized by a transparent light yellow color along with a mild, rather pleasant aroma.該產品的特徵是透明的淺黃色,帶有淡淡的,令人愉悅的香氣。 And in consistency, it is quite liquid and slightly viscous.並且一致地,它是相當流動的並且略微粘稠的。 The composition of apricot kernel oil is in many ways reminiscent of almond and peach oil, which are also referred to as basic oils.杏仁油的組成在很多方面都讓人聯想到杏仁油和桃油,後者也被稱為基礎油。


Apricot kernel oil – description of the oil.杏仁油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好處和危害
  • 蛋白質–
  • 脂肪– 100克
  • 碳水化合物–
  • 灰,– gr
  • 水–
  • 卡路里含量,kcal 884


Pure natural oil should be sold in a dark glass container with a tight cork (without it, it will evaporate, and in a transparent glass it can collapse).純天然油應在帶有密閉軟木塞的深色玻璃容器中出售(如果沒有,它將蒸發,在透明玻璃中可能會崩潰)。 The package must contain the Latin name of the plant used to make the oil.包裝中必須包含用於製造石油的植物的拉丁文名稱。

Sunlight is simply harmful to oils, so pay attention to where it stood.陽光只是對油類有害,因此請注意它的位置。 If sunlight fell on it, this oil is no longer useful.如果陽光照射在其上,則該油將不再有用。


It is recommended to store the oil in a cool dark place, always in a tightly closed container.建議將油存放在陰涼處,並始終密閉容器中。 If stored properly, it can last 6-12 months.如果正確存放,它可以持續XNUMX到XNUMX個月。

Natural apricot oil is actively used in cosmetology, as its properties are truly universal.天然杏油因其真正的通用性而被廣泛用於美容領域。 It is rich in vitamins and minerals, so it has a pronounced softening, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.它富含維生素和礦物質,因此具有明顯的軟化,保濕和恢復活力的作用。


Apricots Its useful properties have been discovered since ancient times.杏子自古以來就發現了它的有用特性。 It perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes it, helps to renew itself and removes the feeling of tightness.它可以完美滋潤皮膚,滋養皮膚,幫助自身更新並消除緊繃感。



  • 刺激皮膚中彈性蛋白和膠原蛋白等重要元素的產生,從而防止下垂和下垂;
  • 通過撫平皺紋,使肌膚活躍起來;
  • 改善膚色,使其具有健康的自然光澤;
  • 具有抗炎作用。
  • 其獨特的性能將有助於恢復皮膚的美麗和色調。


Apricot kernel oil – description of the oil.杏仁油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好處和危害

Apricot oil for the face has been used since time immemorial.自遠古時代起,就使用杏油作為面部護理。 Compresses can be made with it, which perfectly soften and tone, it can be added to your favorite cream, thereby increasing its effectiveness.可以用它製成壓縮物,使其完全柔軟和變色,可以將其添加到您喜歡的乳霜中,從而提高其功效。 Just a few drops are enough for this.只需幾滴就足夠了。


The oil is also useful in the treatment of inflamed, chapped skin, as it perfectly soothes it, relieving irritation.該油還可以很好地舒緩發炎,乾裂的皮膚,減輕刺激感,也可用於治療發炎,乾裂的皮膚。 In the course of treatment, a few drops in a pure (not diluted) form are applied to the affected areas.在治療過程中,將幾滴純淨(未稀釋)形式的藥水塗在患處。







oatmeal mask.燕麥麵膜。 To prepare such a mask at home, you need to grind 15 grams of flakes in a coffee grinder, add 5 grams of liquid honey, 15 milliliters of butter and 15 milliliters of fresh milk to them.要在家中準備這種口罩,您需要在咖啡研磨機中研磨20克薄片,向其中加入XNUMX克液態蜂蜜,XNUMX毫升黃油和XNUMX毫升新鮮牛奶。 The mask should be applied to cleansed face skin, and after XNUMX minutes, rinse off using warm water;面膜應塗在清潔的面部皮膚上,XNUMX分鐘後,用溫水沖洗乾淨;
yolk-based mask.基於蛋黃的面膜。 You need to take one egg yolk, add 6 milliliters of liquid honey and 15 milliliters of oil.您需要取一個蛋黃,加入15毫升液體蜂蜜和20毫升油。 It is recommended to apply such a mask before bedtime, holding it on the face for XNUMX-XNUMX minutes, and then rinse it off.建議在就寢前使用此類面膜,將其在臉上保持XNUMX-XNUMX分鐘,然後將其沖洗乾淨。 When you add to the composition of the mask apricot cosmetic oil for the face, the skin becomes very delicate;當您在面膜中添加杏子美容油時,皮膚會變得非常脆弱。
mask with potatoes.面具和土豆。 Finely grate one potato tuber, add a couple of drops of oil and mix.將一個馬鈴薯塊莖細切碎,加入幾滴油並混合。 It should be applied to cleansed skin and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.應將其塗在清潔的皮膚上,並在XNUMX分鐘後用溫水沖洗掉。


Apricot kernel oil – description of the oil.杏仁油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好處和危害

Since the oil does not contain any components that make the skin heavy and aggressive fatty acids, it is simply ideal for the care of delicate eyelid skin.由於該油不含任何會使皮膚變厚和侵蝕性脂肪酸的成分,因此非常適合於嬌嫩的眼瞼皮膚護理。 It can be used alone or with creams.它可以單獨使用或與乳霜一起使用。 Apricot eye oil can also be used to remove eye makeup.杏眼油也可用於去除眼妝。 It perfectly dissolves mascara, gently cleansing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids.完美溶解睫毛膏,溫和清潔和滋養眼瞼皮膚。 Apricot oil under the eyes and on the eyelids can be applied without fear of any problems, since it is so safe that it is even suitable for baby skin care.可以在眼睛下方和眼瞼上塗抹杏油,而無需擔心任何問題,因為它非常安全,甚至可以用於嬰兒皮膚護理。


Apricot oil for eyelashes can effectively accelerate growth, actively nourish the follicles, makes eyelashes more luxuriant and expressive.杏油用於睫毛可以有效促進生長,積極滋養毛囊,使睫毛更加豐滿富有表現力。 Apricot oil for eyelash growth can be used as follows: mix apricot kernel oil with petroleum jelly and castor oil, taking all the components in equal proportions.可將杏油用於睫毛生長,方法如下:將杏仁油與凡士林和蓖麻油混合,並以相等的比例混合所有成分。

3-4週後,使用這種工具的效果非常明顯。 You can use apricot eyebrow oil in the same way.您可以以相同方式使用杏子眉油。


apricot kernel oil The skin around the eyes is thinner and softer than on the chin and cheeks.杏仁油眼睛周圍的皮膚比下巴和臉頰更薄更柔軟。 She is highly susceptible to age-related changes and therefore should be looked after especially carefully and regularly.她極易受到與年齡有關的變化的影響,因此應格外謹慎和定期地照顧她。 Apricot oil for the eyes soothes the skin, relieves fatigue, and removes dark circles under the eyes.眼用杏油可舒緩皮膚,緩解疲勞,並消除黑眼圈。 The main thing is to use this truly unique cosmetic product correctly.最主要的是正確使用這種真正獨特的化妝品。

Apricot kernel oil – description of the oil.杏仁油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好處和危害

If applied to the skin around the eyes, then it should not be left overnight.如果應用於眼睛周圍的皮膚,則不應隔夜使用。 Rinse off with warm water 30 minutes after application.塗抹XNUMX分鐘後,用溫水沖洗乾淨。 Apricot oil for the skin around the eyes should be applied regularly.應當定期為眼睛周圍的皮膚塗抹杏油。 It can be added to a cream, or it can be used in its pure form.可以將其添加到面霜中,也可以以其純淨形式使用。 Only the systematic use of this natural cosmetic product will allow you to achieve the desired result.只有系統地使用這種天然化妝品,您才能達到預期的效果。




Retinol, contained in its composition, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helping to eliminate dandruff and itchy skin.視黃醇包含在其成分中,具有明顯的抗炎作用,有助於消除頭皮屑和皮膚瘙癢。 Regular use not only relieves the symptoms of seborrhea, but also strengthens the hair follicles, activating hair growth.經常使用不僅可以緩解皮脂溢出的症狀,還可以增強毛囊,激活頭髮的生長。


To restore the health of the scalp, and the hair splendor and natural shine, you need to rub the oil into the hair roots and ends, carefully distributing the applied product with a comb.為了恢復頭皮的健康以及頭髮的光彩和自然光澤,您需要將油塗抹在頭髮的根部和末端,並用梳子仔細分配塗抹的產品。 After that, the hair should be wrapped with cling film and a terry towel, as it works more effectively in warmth.之後,應該用保鮮膜和毛巾將頭髮包裹起來,這樣才能更有效地保暖。

您可以將這種面膜長時間保留在頭髮上2-3小時,因為它不會產生侵略性效果,而且效果十分柔軟細膩。 用這種療法治療頭皮總是能得到很好的效果。


Apricot kernel oil – description of the oil.杏仁油–對油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好處和危害



First, you can make compresses based on it.首先,您可以基於它進行壓縮。 To do this, moisten gauze (cloth) in warm apricot kernel oil and put it on your face for about half an hour, then rinse.為此,將紗布(布)浸在溫暖的杏仁油中,然後將其放在臉上約半小時,然後沖洗。

其次,你可以用杏仁油來對抗皺紋,用其他油來對抗皺紋,只會增強效果。 為此,取 20 滴杏,加入 2 滴玫瑰油和橘子油,混合併倒入 6 滴檀香油。 所得組合物應通過輕微的按摩動作塗抹在面部、頸部和肩部的皮膚上。


In addition to wrinkles on the face, women in adulthood are concerned about such a problem as dry lips and loss of their tone.除了臉上的皺紋,成年女性還擔心嘴唇乾燥和失去語氣等問題。 To keep the lips young and beautiful, and not to form ugly folds around them, you need to properly care for them, and apricot lip oil will also help here.為了保持嘴唇年輕美麗,並且避免在嘴唇周圍形成醜陋的褶皺,您需要適當地護理它們,杏唇油也將為您提供幫助。 It is enough to apply a few drops to the lips once a day and rub them gently.每天一次在嘴唇上滴幾滴並輕輕擦拭就足夠了。

